Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Decision Time for the United Methodist Church

Today marks the start of General Conference of the UMC in Tampa.  One of the hallmarks of Methodism is holy conferencing where lay and clergy gather to discuss, debate, and discern the movement of the Holy Spirit in our world.  We have this model in the local church with church or charge conferences.  Once a year the annual conference gathers.  In Alaska ours will meet in Anchorage May 25-26.  There are Jurisdictional Conferences that meet every four years to elect bishops.  And there is General Conference which basically consists of 500 lay and 500 clergy delegates elected by their home conferences. Four years ago I was honored to be at General Conference.  It was an amazing experience, the highlight being the worship.  The African Children's Choir was the highlight of all the worship times. These orphaned children were taken in by a United Methodist school where they found the song God desires to put in the heart of every child on earth.  Here is a video clip from of the choir at that General Conference.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogXJZmlz_W4

Please join me in praying for our delegation: Peter, Jo Anne, Lonnie, Ev, and Jim, and for everyone to be able to discern God's leading for our church.   Other Alaskans attending include Steven Maga, Lupe Saafi, and Susan Smalley.  To follow the General Conference process including live streaming go to http://www.umc.org/site/c.lwL4KnN1LtH/b.1353935/k.85E4/General_Conference_2012__The_United_Methodist_Church.htm

 Grace Always,

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