Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Worship at East Anchorage UMC

After returning from a wonderful family vacation in wintry Ohio I needed to plow through my stack of emails and administrative tasks at the office. Since I had not yet worshipped with the East church AND since our wonderful DCM, Leila Disburg, was preaching I wanted to go to church at East last Sunday.

It was a great time of Epiphany worship. Here are two video clips. One is of Jon Disburg singing a song on his guitar.

East Anchorage UMC was the site of my first ever sermon preached in Alaska. It was 1983 and I was on vacation subbing for John Shaffer. Lonnie Brooks was there that day and even remembers the content of that sermon!

Next week I will be with our southeast churches for 5 days. With two more Anchorage churches I will be done with my first round of charge conferences. It continues to be a wonderful journey!

Grace and peace,

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