Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Jewel Lake Parish

Last but not least is Jewel Lake Parish in Anchorage. This union church is served by Rev. Kay Shock who, after 9 years as pastor, announced her retirement this summer. This little church is full of joy and energy for God. I told them that they were the smilingist church I've seen! Check out this clip.

My good friend, Dr. Curt Karns, executive from the Presbytery of Yukon, was there to share in leading their annual meeting. They will follow the Presbyterian process and receive an interim pastor this summer while they work on their church profile to call a new Presbyterian pastor.

Here's another video clip from Jewel Lake.

I have begun a new task group on new church development. We are examining demographic data and potential leadership as we seek to discover where it is God may be moving us to begin new faith communities.

Now it's time to turn our attention to our Winter Rendezvous and Professional Church Worker's Retreat in a few weeks.

Grace and peace,

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