Wednesday, July 3, 2019

The Future Is Here!

This past Monday was my official first day of retirement and I must say that it is a weird feeling not to be working.  For 45 years I have held full time jobs as a teacher and pastor.  Since I announced my retirement last August I have known this day was coming.  I even set up a countdown timer on my computer and on my office white board!  But it is one thing to prepare for a future event when it has not happened.  I have spent much time preparing the congregation at Bend, making gifts for the staff, organizing files for Pastor Jen, and cleaning the office.  But July 1 was still a future reality.  Now that it is here I am living, not with the hope of a future day, but I am in the future right now.  The future is now the present.

It occurs to me that some of us do better thinking and planning for a future event than actually living into it.  I'm not saying this is me, but I am a dreamer.  And dreamers always think about the future.  My spiritual challenge is to learn to stay in this present moment with all its new rhythms and discoveries.  For the present is exactly where I experience the holy grace of God.

Grace Always,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Everyday is the first day of Kindergarten, You have played this game of life long enough to know that "it is the journey". Having given you all the wisdom that I have today, I must say while not going to the office does feel strange, please enjoy the new opportunities that are now available. It is a great day!