Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tonight's Dinner is in the Garbage!

This morning I put out the garbage.  Now that Kim and I have an empty nest we have much less trash to put out.  About 5 days ago I prepared some halibut for dinner and put the skins in a bag in the freezer.  We often do this so they won't smell before the next garbage pick up.  So I tossed the bag of what looked like halibut skins into this morning trash. 

At work I had a vague sense of uneasiness when I remembered that Kim suggested I fix halibut for dinner tonight.  Did I throw out tonight's dinner?  So I called Renee, a neighbor, and asked her to go through our trash to rescue tonight's dinner.  At first she couldn't find it.  Then another neighbor came over and asked her, "What are you doing going through Dave's trash?"

Renee called back to say she had found the halibut.  I had indeed thrown out something that was meant to sustain our lives.

How often do we fail to recognize valuable gifts from God that come our way?  Perhaps one comes to us in the form of a homeless person asking for help.  Maybe a gift is hiding behind a frustrated face if we will only offer a smile to unlock it.  Let's be on the lookout for the many gifts from God, gifts that are meant to sustain us and give us abundant life!

Grace and peace,

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