Monday, August 16, 2010

Remembering Rev. Dick Heacock

Last Tuesday I flew to Fairbanks for the memorial service for Richard Heacock, long time Alaska pastor and prophet. The service was beautiful in the sanctuary of First UMC. Pastor Tom Telfer led us well with an appropriate balance of anecdotes, humor, and the gospel truth of our faith. I was astounded at the huge choir who was present at this weekday afternoon service.

Retired pastor Walt Hays and his wife, Jo Ann, were present. Walt represented so many other of Dick's colleagues over the years and did a masterful job of talking about Dick's life and faith. Here is a quote from Walt: "On these visits, I would often pick up the miniature bronze statue of “Swords into Plowshares” statue that was shelved in his living room.
The great statue was given to the UN by Russia for its outdoor statuary garden in 1969. I must confess that I would pick it up just to hear Dick respond in that great bass voice with the works from the second chapter of Isaiah: “They shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into
pruning hooks; nations shall not lift up swords against nations, neither
shall they learn war anymore.” (Isaiah 2:4) Dick’s great spirit has blessed my life and the lives of many. We truly give thanks for his life and ministry."

The big surprise for me was the impromptu ending. Dick's family members led us in singing the chorus "We Are Marching in the Light of God." It was really cool. Here's a clip.

One more thing. While walking around downtown Fairbanks I came across this hanging flower basket. Just had to share with you all the beauty of Fairbanks, not only the flowers but the land and the people, people like one of our saints, Dick Heacock.

Grace and peace,

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